OEM Product Information

All customers have needs from time to time that we cannot necessarily address from within our basket of services within our companies. This is where we need assistance or products and services from a trusted and validated source of OEM’s, third-party products or our fellow MultiTel resellers.

Please browse the information contained in this section to find products and services that can assist you further

OEM Product Information

CROSSCALL, the creator of the outdoor mobile technology market, offers waterproof, durable and highly autonomous mobiles and smartphones. The brand designs models perfectly adapted to the hostile and unpredictable environments encountered by athletes and professionals in the field (water, rain, humidity, dust, shocks…); as well as a range of high-performance accessories. With more than one and a half million units sold, a 2018 turnover of €71.6 million and more than 20,000 points of sale, the French company, based in Aix-en-Provence, is currently pursuing its international development with a presence in 16 countries around the world.